Totally Separate Ventilation Systems for the Well & the Sick!


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Spot the Triggers

At Pediatricz Now, we’re experts in finding what causes your child’s allergies. We use advanced tests like skin prick tests, blood tests, and patch tests to identify triggers. These could be pollen, pet dander, food, or other things in the environment.

For food allergies, we may suggest special diets or safe food challenges. Our thorough approach often finds multiple allergies or connections between different triggers. This gives us a full picture of your child’s allergy situation.

We look at family history and environmental factors too. These play a big role in how allergies develop. By doing this, we can often predict future allergies and take steps to prevent them. Finding allergies early leads to better treatment and management. It might even stop other conditions like asthma from developing.

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Tailored Allergy Solution

Our pediatric allergists develop personalized treatment plans tailored to your child’s specific allergies and lifestyle. We combine various therapeutic approaches to provide comprehensive allergy relief and long-term management.

For fast relief, we may prescribe antihistamines, decongestants, or corticosteroids. For long-term care, we often use immunotherapy. This involves allergy shots or tablets under the tongue. These treatments help your child’s body get used to allergens over time.

We don’t just rely on medicine. We also give advice on diet, as some foods can naturally help with allergy symptoms. We suggest changes at home, like using air purifiers or special bedding. Regular follow-up appointments allow us to adjust strategies as your child grows and their allergy profile evolves.

Pediatricz Now Cross Pattern
Pediatricz Now Cross Pattern
Yellow Crossmark

Breathe Easy, Live Fully

Knowledge is power in the fight against allergies. At Pediatricz Now, we believe in teaching families how to handle allergies. We give both parents and kids the knowledge and skills they need for daily allergy care.

We teach kids how to manage their own allergies in ways that fit their age. This includes how to use medicines, spot early signs of an allergic reaction, and know when to ask for help. For serious allergies, we train families how to use epinephrine auto-injectors and make emergency plans.

Our team helps with allergy issues in different places, like schools, restaurants, and social events. We help you talk to schools and caregivers to keep your child safe. We also connect you with support groups and resources, building a community of people who understand allergies.

With Pediatricz Now, you have a dedicated partner in managing your child’s allergies. We work with you for a healthier, more comfortable life for your child.

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