Totally Separate Ventilation Systems for the Well & the Sick!

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

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What is ADHD in Children?

At Pediatricz Now, we know that ADHD can make life tough for kids and their families. ADHD affects how a child’s brain works, making it hard for them to focus, control impulses, and manage their energy levels. Kids with ADHD might struggle to sit still, finish tasks, or follow directions. They might also act without thinking or interrupt others often.

Our team of pediatricians is here to help children with ADHD succeed by giving them care that fits their unique needs. We understand that ADHD can affect school performance, friendships, and family life.

We believe it’s important to spot ADHD early. To do this, we:

  • Watch how your child develops and behaves

  • Look at their health history

  • Do a physical check-up

  • Use special ADHD screening tools

  • Talk to parents and teachers about the child’s behavior

  • Work with other experts like psychologists when needed

This thorough process helps us understand what your child needs and make sure we have the right diagnosis. Remember, many kids are active or distracted sometimes, but children with ADHD show these behaviors more often and in different settings.

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How We Treat ADHD

After we diagnose ADHD, we work with you to create a treatment plan just for your child. Our approach might include:

  • Carefully managing and adjusting medications like stimulants or non-stimulants

  • Teaching your child ways to cope with ADHD, such as using schedules and breaking tasks into smaller steps

  • Counseling to help with social skills, emotions, and self-esteem

  • Showing parents how to help their child at home, including setting up routines and using positive reinforcement

  • Connecting you with other services that can help, like special tutoring, occupational therapy, or social skills groups

  • Suggesting changes at home and school, like having a quiet homework space or using fidget tools

We know that treating ADHD is an ongoing process. We’ll check in with your child regularly to see how they’re doing and change the plan if needed. This might mean trying new strategies or adding different types of support. We can also work with schools and others who care for your child to make sure everyone is on the same page and using consistent strategies.

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Pediatricz Now Cross Pattern
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Long-Term Help and Resources

At Pediatricz Now, we’re here for you and your child for the long haul. We offer:

  • Information about local ADHD support groups and resources for families

  • Help planning for big changes, like starting a new school, becoming a teenager, or transitioning to college

  • Updates on new ways to manage ADHD and the latest research findings

  • Advice on how to speak up for your child’s needs at school and in other settings

  • Guidance on building your child’s strengths and self-confidence

  • Tips for helping your child develop good habits for organization, time management, and study skills

  • Information about ADHD and driving safety for teens

  • Support for parents, including stress management techniques and self-care tips

We know that ADHD affects every child differently. Some kids might struggle more with focus, while others have more trouble with hyperactivity. That’s why we’re ready to give your family the special care and support you need, no matter what stage you’re at. If you’re worried about how your child is behaving or developing, don’t wait to make an appointment with us. Together, we can help your child do well and reach their full potential.

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