We are excited to meet our new neighbors and welcome you to our practice. We anticipate accepting appointments for new patients starting March 12. We are a full-service pediatric health service dedicated to ensuring each child receives quality healthcare at every stage of development. Our focus is not just physical wellness. We know children flourish when their whole being is cared for. That’s why we provide mental health services, such as ADHD management, autism screening, and counseling resources, along with nutrition counseling, weight management, and allergy/asthma care. Our in-house lab service means we can quickly identify illnesses like strep throat, urinary tract infection, or the flu and provide your child with the treatment needed to soon be back at full energy!
Our healthcare providers have years of experience working with children and their families to achieve optimal wellness, and we will work closely with your family to make sure your child is healthy and thriving. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest information about what’s happening at the clinic. We will be sharing introductions to our office staff and healthcare providers, as well as posting giveaways and other useful information.
See you soon – the PN Crew!